Easy side-step exercise can improve your balance
These other videos might help:
10 best exercises to improve balance https://youtu.be/cAOK3apyCOc
Learn how to walk to reduce falls: https://youtu.be/n4pPyE1P74M
Stop leaning forward when you walk https://youtu.be/AYWw3Dys2eg
Best single Balance Exercise https://youtu.be/clI2BHDyc-k
How to get up after a fall https://youtu.be/X6xKfmlWK9k
The best exercise for reducing falls: https://youtu.be/clI2BHDyc-k
3 Exercises to Improve Leg Strength https://youtu.be/tlULBV6wQGI
Toe-tapping for balance and stability: https://youtu.be/OQ-a6ByYhuc
FOR PTs PTAs and Personal Trainers: proprioceptiverehab.com