1.睡眠期刊:长期睡眠剥夺会增加24小时皮质醇分泌量,导致皮质醇昼夜节律的破坏。正常参与者熬夜相当于从睡眠剥夺,其24小时尿液皮质醇增加了79%。来源:Spiegel K, Leproult R, Van Cauter E. Impact of sleep debt on metabolic and endocrine function. Lancet. 1999;354:1435-1439. 2. 生理学期刊:健康年轻男性实验室睡眠剥夺,其皮质醇分泌表现为夜间增高,而清晨高峰延后出现。来源:Weibel L, Brandenberger G. Disturbed 24-hour patterns of cortisol and growth hormone secretion in subjects with sleep deprivation. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 1980;51:1273-1277.3. 神经内分泌学期刊:研究发现相当于从长期工作导致睡眠剥夺的医务人员,其淤胆机转运皮质醇昼夜节律减弱,而尿皮质醇代谢物增加,提示其皮质醇分泌发生变化。来源:Akerstedt T, Levi L, Bellocco R, Knutsson A, Frid A. Alterations in the circadian patterns of adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone in relation to sleep deprivation and shift work. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 1982;54:908-913. 4. 美国神经内分泌学会杂志:28名男性被要求在实验室连续清醒72小时,其皮质醇排泄半衰期延长,昼夜节律消失,清晨皮质醇峰值延迟出现,提示长期清醒导致皮质醇分泌昼夜节律障碍。来源:Branchey M, Branchey L, Nair NP. Circadian characteristics of circulating corticosteroids in men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 1971;33:544-548.
1.Hackney AC, Lane AR, Register-Mihalik J, et al. Influence of endurance exercise on the cortisol response to stress in men. Exp Physiol. 2019;104(1):148-158. 这篇文献证实长期耐力锻炼可降低HPA轴对压力事件的皮质醇反应,减弱其对交感神经的抑制作用。2. Aizawa K, Petibaum T, Kimura K, et al. Attenuated stress response in exercise-trained individuals: Enhanced vagal modulation and decreased HPA axis and inflammatory responses. Physiol Behav. 2018;192:8-14. 这篇文献也显示练习者具有减弱的HPA轴应激反应,以及对炎症和自主神经反应的抑制,这可影响皮质醇对交感激素的调节。3. Kouzaka S, Ishibashi A, Tsunekawa H, et al. Stimulation of α2-adrenoceptors inhibits thyrotropin-releasing hormone-induced increases in plasma catecholamine levels. Life Sci. 2002;70(21):2533-2540. 这篇研究表明α2受体可通过抑制去甲肾上腺素释放发挥自身负反馈调节,而练习可使α2受体表达下调,削弱这一作用。4. Zouhal H, Lemoine S, Mathieu ME, et al. Adrenergic Receptor Desensitization in Aced Elderly Men: Relationship to Exercise Performance and Catecholamine Responses during Exercise. Journal of Gerontology 2000;55A(12):M746–M751. 这篇研究也发现高强度运动可导致去甲肾上腺素α受体表达下调,减弱自身负反馈抑制作用。5. Mano T, Iwase S, Toma S. Sympatho-adrenomedullary and adrenocortical responses to exercise stress in humans. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 1995;99(2-3):135-144. 这篇综述文章阐明了激励性运动引起交感神经兴奋、去甲肾上腺素释放增加以及HPA轴激活的生理机制,并指出两者之间的相互作用关系受到机体各系统的影响而变化。
皮质醇与去甲肾上腺素调节功能减弱可以导致多种疾病的观点:1. Esler M, Rumantir M, Kaye D, et al. The sympathetic neurobiology of essential hypertension: a unifying hypothesis. Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med. 2006;3(3):189-200. 这篇综述提出交感神经亢进与高血压之间的因果关系,并认为HPA轴功能异常也参与其中,支持观点1。2. Wood S, Barbosa Boucas E, Dowdle WE. Adrenergic nervous system and heart failure. Neuromolecular Med. 2014;16(1):336-347. 这篇综述论述了心力衰竭和心脏疾病与交感神经亢进之间的相互作用机制,同时提到HPA轴激活在其中起重要调节作用,支持观点2。3. Marholin D,Henc S. The adrenal medulla and diabetes. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2017;118(2):103-106. 这篇综述文章总结了肾上腺髓质激素如去甲肾上腺素与糖尿病的密切关系,同时提及HPA轴功能紊乱在两者之间起链接作用,支持观点3。4. Tentolouris N, Argyrakopoulou G, Katsilambros N. Perturbed autonomic nervous system function in metabolic syndrome. Neuromolecular Med. 2008;10(3):169-178. 这篇综述指出代谢综合征与自主神经系统失衡相关,肾上腺素增高和HPA轴功能异常起重要作用,可致体重增加和肥胖,支持观点4。5. Saucier K, Woodman A, Reidschuss J, et al. The role of the sympathetic nervous system in anxiety and fear. Int J Psychophysiol. 2019;244:1-9. 这篇综述论述了交感神经系统亢进与焦虑等情绪障碍之间的紧密关系,同时指出HPA轴的功能失调也同样重要,支持观点5。6. Elenkov IJ, Chrousos GP. Stress hormones, proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines, and autoimmunity. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002;966:290-303. 这篇综述提出应激激素与免疫功能之间的双向作用机制,其中皮质醇与去甲肾上腺素平衡的破坏被认为可致免疫功能失调,支持观点6。