I personally purchased this product to test and review. No free samples or compensation were provided. All opinions are completely my own. Are you or your loved one struggling to hear phone conversations? This cordless phone from Panasonic is specially designed for those with mild to moderate hearing loss. With amplified sound, slowed speech, noise reduction technology, and other senior-friendly features, this phone improves hearing on calls. Learn how it can help you never miss an important conversation again.
Purchase or learn more: https://amzn.to/3Oz3at2 (aff link)
All my recommended home phones for seniors: https://amzn.to/3DT116o (aff link)
Full guide to cordless phones for seniors and the elderly: https://www.grayingwithgrace.com/best-cordless-phones-for-seniors/
Full guide to home phones for seniors and the elderly: https://www.grayingwithgrace.com/best-home-phones-for-elderly-seniors/
#hearingloss #seniorliving #cordlessphone